Post-op instructions (TPLO/LFS/MPL)
- Incisional protection:
It takes 12-14 days for the incision to heal. A Lick Sleeve has been placed to protect the incision during this time. It does not need to be removed until recheck. If it becomes soiled, it can be removed for washing, but it is important to ensure your pet does not bother the incision while it is off. A hard cone (e-collar) is still recommended, especially when your pet is not supervised or if the Lick Sleeve is not in place. - Exercise restriction:
Bone healing takes 2-3 months to complete, but the activity restriction is typically only necessary for the first 6 weeks. During this time, do not allow running, jumping, playing or other uncontrolled activity. Your pet should be confined to a small area of the home (cage/crate/kennel or small room for larger dogs) to avoid free movement and jumping on/off furniture. Slow, controlled, on-leash walks are acceptable and recommended as directed below. - Medications:
- NSAIDs will most likely be provided to be used regularly for 2 weeks and then as needed through the recovery process. The most common side effect seen with these medications are gastric ulcers, so it is important not to give them if your pet stops eating, has diarrhea or any other GI abnormalities/upset.
- Gabapentin is another pain medication and also has a benefit of causing drowsiness which can help with activity restriction.
- Trazodone is an anti-anxiety and sedative medication that should be used as needed to help with activity restriction throughout the healing period. It is best in some more active dogs to give regularly 2-3 times a day to make restriction and rehabilitation more feasible.
- An antibiotic will also be provided. Give as directed until gone.
- Recheck appointments:
Make an appointment with your veterinarian 13-15 days following surgery for suture/staple removal. Your pet should see your veterinarian 6 weeks following surgery for a progress assessment. In some cases, radiographs (x-rays) will be taken.
- Rehabilitation and activity:
It is important for your pet to use the operated limb in a slow, controlled fashion following surgery period to maintain joint health and build muscle. Controlled weight bearing also stimulates bone healing. Throughout the recovery, it is important to remember that your pet will bear more weight on the operated limb when forced to walk slowly. When they are allowed to go faster, they will pick up the limb which does not benefit recovery. Below are guidelines for routine post-operative rehabilitation. If any of these exercises cause your pet anxiety or distress, it is better to skip than to struggle with them and potentially cause injury. - First 2 weeks (days 0-14)
- Slow leash walks 2-3 times a day for 5-10 minutes at a time.
- Passive range of motion: This can be done either with your pet laying down with operated side up, or with your pet standing. Gently put the limb through a bicycling motion 10-20 times, twice a day. It may be more natural to push the limb into extension with your hand on the front of the thigh. Avoid touching the incision with your hands.
- Weeks 2-3 (Days 14-28)
- Slow walks can be lengthened to 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.
- Weight shifting exercises: With your pet standing, gently sway the weight to the operated side and back.
- Sit-to-stand: Have your dog move between these two positions for 5 repetitions, 2-3 times a day. Dogs will often sit so that the limb with the bad knee is extended out to the side. If your pet is doing this, you can do the sit-stand exercises next to a wall to encourage them to fully flex the knee in a more normal position.
- Week 4- 5 (Days 28-42)
- Continue previous exercises slow leash walks with the addition of obstacles such as on/off curbing, up/down hills and stairs, and figure 8 walking.
- At the end of 6 weeks, normal activity can be resumed. Work up to normal unrestricted activity over a few days to sudden strain on the soft tissues.
- If you pet becomes more sore or lame as you add one of the exercises above please reduce that activity by 50% for 3-7 days before progressing again. NSAIDs and icing may be used throughout the recovery process as needed.
- Icing/cryotherapy: Apply a thin tea towel or 2 clean paper towels between the incision/knee and a bag of crushed up ice. Apply for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day as needed on days when your pet is more sore.
Professional Rehabilitation for Dogs and Cats:
Recommended at any time during the recovery period. Underwater treadmill (after 2 weeks) and other rehab exercises can help your pet return to full function faster.
Georgia Veterinary Rehabilitation (678) 803-2626
Atlanta Animal Rehab and Fitness (770) 594-2688
The Pawstand (470) 767-8441
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my pet use the stairs?
Your pet can use the stairs as needed during the recovery period, but only when someone is walking next to them with a hand on the collar They should be made to go slowly, one stair at a time, and should not be allowed to run/jump up or down.
My dog has swelling and bruising on the inside of his shin and around the ankle after surgery. Is this normal?
Yes, this is normal. Just like people, dogs will have bruising around the surgical site. The amount you see is dependent on the dog and the skin color. Swelling is also normal and will gradually sink down to the ankle due to gravity. These both resolve over the first 2 weeks.
Should I cold or warm pack the surgery site?
In the first week following surgery, you can cold pack your pet’s incision by applying a thin clean cloth over the incision (Lick Sleeve serves this purpose) and applying a cold pack to the site for 5-10 minutes at a time, 2-3 times a day. Gel packs are ideal to conform to the leg. If this process causes your dog anxiety, it is not necessary. New paragraph. In the second week, you can warm pack the surgery site for 5-10 minutes prior to walking and then ice pack after walking. It is important to check the temperature of the warm pack to avoid burning the skin. If it is too hot to keep on your skin, it is too hot for your pet.
Will my pet require a sling to help them walk?
In most cases when only one leg is being operated, no. If both rear legs are being operated at the same time, yes they may require sling support for the first week or two. A towel under the abdomen will work well as a sling, or slings for dogs can be purchased online.
I have hardwood floors at home. Does that affect my pet’s recovery?
Slippery floors such as hardwood and linoleum are very difficult for animals with orthopedic pain or injury. In the recovery period, your pet should be confined to areas that have non-slip flooring. If your pet needs to cross slippery floors to walk outside, area rugs or sling support are recommended to avoiding slips and falls.